Tuesday, August 31, 2010

While we didn't bring home any fish from Crystal River (see previous post) we did manage to bring home a lovely cold...one for everyone!! Shay thought that we needed to make some chicken noodle soup, so we made what we lovingly call 'spoon noodles.'  These are hand-made noodles (for lack of a better term) which are pretty much little balls of dough that are dropped into a pot of boiling chicken broth.  They are a tradition on my mom's side of the family and are an old Polish recipe (again, for lack of a better term) that really has no set ingredient list or amounts. My Grandma (my mom's mom) always just said to mix them until they 'look right.'  I am sure that saying was passed down just as the recipe was.  Shay did a really good job and was super proud of herself!

We all got better in a timely fashion.....thanks to Shay's spectacular soup, of course!

Ethan turned 1 on August 10 (my how time flies!) and we had his party on August 15th.  We had a wonderful time and appreciate everyone that was able to come and missed those that couldn't.  Lesson learned: we need a much larger house that is somewhere cold, say Alaska, because it was miserably hot!!

Ethan preferred the wrapping paper over the cake!! Hahahaha....

Another exciting event that happened (at least for some...because for me it was rather sad) was that Shay started VPK.  She was so pumped about this that all she talked about for a whole week prior was what she was going to wear, how we should fix her hair, what she was going to wear, what she was going to do at school, what she was going to wear, what her teacher was like...and did I mention what she was going to wear? She is such a priss and I am just not sure how that happened.....David??  Needless to say, she has figured out how this school thing works and is loving every minute!
Eating breakfast before school....lovely hair, huh?

In her classroom!

Until next time.....

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Change of Plans

After much deliberation, waiting, rushing around trying to get everything in order, waiting some more, and riding the "go or stay" roller coaster (did I mention waiting?).....we are not moving to Georgia.  We definitely have mixed feelings about this, as we were both sad and excited at the same time. Ultimately, however, everything happens for a reason and after all of the waiting and not knowing if David was going to have to leave immediately, just knowing something was such a relief. Although it is a long, drawn-out story, the reader's digest version is something along the lines of the lovely railroad, CSX, not having all of their paperwork in order, making any transfer for David impossible until near the end of the year. Because David is a union employee, seniority is everything and waiting that long to move would not be a good thing. Therefore....we are staying in Florida.

On another note.....

Shay has continued her dance class, and she is loving it! She loves it so much that I think she may have forgotten how to walk, because all she does is prance everywhere she goes. Ethan loves to watch her prance, and almost as if he knows that little brothers are supposed to irritate their big sisters, he laughs and tries to get in her way.  He is such a typical boy and it amazes me how much of a sense of humor he has at one year old!  Even though they love to irritate and annoy one another, they adore each other....every night before bed Shay gives Ethan a hug and kiss, and amazingly he gives her one back, it is the sweetest thing! 

We had David's Aunt Karen take family pictures with Lamar and Laurie (David's daddy and step-mom), as the last picture that they had of the whole family together was when Cory (David's youngest brother) was a baby (he is now almost 16!). Those turned out very nice and I know it must have been frustrating to get 13 people, 4 of them children under 5, to cooperate with one another long enough to get a good picture, but she was able to. If anyone would like, they can check those out at www.impressionographybykarencason.com, click 'enter site', then 'gallery' on the left, followed by 'client galleries' then 'Cason". 

Up next, we are going to Crystal River this coming weekend with the Hamilton's (my Dad's side of the family), which should be a blast! Next weekend we are having Ethan's first birthday party (hard to believe!).  I will graduate on August 16 (super exciting!) and am avidly looking for a job that pays better. I have a few prospects....but we will see how they pan out.

Until next time....