Ethan has been smiling for a few weeks now, but mostly just because he passed gas. Lately, however, he has been smiling at people (especially his sister) and even laughing a little bit. The laugh pretty much sounds like a donkey, but, being his parents, we think it is adorable ! Shay thinks it is hilarious! We have been trying like crazy to get the smile on camera....and alas we have! Ethan's first smile (on camera)!
On another note, I went back to work this past week. It was really hard leaving Ethan, but we have a great lady named Peggy that has kept Shay and is now keeping Ethan, too. That makes it much easier to leave him. He did great all week and Shay especially enjoys her brother being there with her. We are so thankful to have her!
We also had our pictures taken last week by David's aunt who is working on starting her own photography business. We went to Eureka Springs Park which has some beautiful plants and landscaping. I think that she got some great photos so as soon as she gets those put together, we will share! And (sales pitch) if anyone wants pictures taken, let me know and I will give you her info!